Highlighted below is a short-list of my favorite ongoing projects:
Project Lead - NeuroTechSC
Uses: Machine Learning, Embedded Systems
Project lead for Boolepathy, a subvocalization project that earned 1st place in the United States in the NeuroTechX Competition in November 2020. The project utilizes eight electrodes that are attached to various areas above the user's neck region. These electrodes record the sub-vocalizations that a user makes when thinking of either a 'Yes' or a 'No' answer in response to a question. The trained system achieves over 90% accuracy.
1 in 9 Quintillion
Independent Project
Uses: Machine Learning, PyTorch
'1 in 9 Quintillion' is an allusion to the NCAA Men's Basketball Bracket Challenge, commonly known as March Madness; the odds of predicting a perfect bracket are 1 in 9.2 quintillion and has not been achieved yet. As I update this project with more complex algorithms every year, I aspire to be the first to achieve this considerable feat.
I am currently working on automating the bracket-filling process, and improving the algorithm accuracy.
Independent Project
Uses: Python APIs, Embedded Systems, Raspberry Pi, Raspbian
Spotif-API utilizes the Spotify Developer Tools in addition to a Raspberry Pi Zero connected to an LED matrix.
I am currently working on a voice interface that allows the user to control the board remotely.
Group Hackathon Project
Uses: Embedded Systems, React.js
Uses EEG signals to determine a user's concentration level and helps the user readjust their focus when a low concentration level is detected.